Pred. Gamaliel "Kuya Jojo" M. Filio Jr.


Pred. Gamaliel “Jojo” Filio, Jr. is the eldest son of Consulting Pastor Galying and Lucy Filio (Church Elder). Prior to his ordination as Predicador, he was an active member of Tipas Unida Church (TUC) having held the positions of Youth President for two (2) terms, and Men’s Organization President for one (1) term. He is a Sunday School Institute and Lay Leaders Training graduate of Iglesia Evangelica Unida de Cristo (IEUDC). Pred. Jojo accepted the call of the ministry in TUC last June 2017 and was ordained as Predicador by IEUDC on May 14, 2022. He will be assisting the Administrative Pastor in seeing to the spiritual growth of every church member and assisting in other church ministries. He is a real estate agent for 20 years , a business owner, married to Cynthia Cantos ( Deaconess of TUC) and have been blessed with two(2) amazing children namely: Isabelle and Isaiah. He graduated with a degree In Commerce Major in Business Administration in UST. They live in Binan, Laguna City.

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Iglesia Evangelica Unida De Cristo
Welcome to the Church that cares!
We are a local congregation in Tipas, Taguig City under the “Iglesia Evangelica Unida de Cristo.” The seed of faith started by the three men who heard and believed the gospel of salvation has now grown into about 200 active men, women and children members celebrating God’s love for the past 90 years. All praises and honor be unto our God alone!
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