Who We Are

Welcome to the Church that cares!
We are a bible-based church founded on faith in Jesus Christ and living under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

We endeavor to live our faith and share God’s love so those who may not know Jesus Christ may come to believe, be transformed, and led into service for others.

Our mission is to share the Word of God to as many people as we can in the community, our town, our country, and beyond.

We are a local congregation in Tipas, Taguig under “Iglesia Evangelica Unida de Cristo”. The seed of faith started by three men who heard and believed the gospel of salvation has now grown to about 200 men, women, and children members celebrating God’s love for the past 90 years. All praises and honor be unto God alone!

Statement of Faith

We believe in…..

  • The One True God
  • The Triune God… Father, Son & Holy Spirit; and
  • The Inspiration of the Scripture

We believe that the Bible, the Old and New Testament, is Infallible; it is without error. The original manuscripts in the original language are perfect as God directed the writers. The Bible is Inerrant. Everything that the Bible affirms is true. It is truly truthful, trustworthy and reliable, without any mixture of error.

We believe that Man’s Salvation is only by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ and cannot be earned through good works (Ephesians 2:8-9). Jesus Christ is the only way to Salvation. Regeneration, or being born again is fully experienced by those who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. A true believer is justified only by God’s mercy, through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and has an Assurance of Salvation, an eternal life with Him (1 John 5:13).

TUC Church Picture

We believe that there are only Two Sacraments: The Lord’s Supper and Water Baptism. The Lord’s Supper is a holy sacrament which we observe to commemorate what Jesus Christ did on the cross of Calvary for the redemption of our sins. We believe that water baptism by pouring is a public declaration of our faith and of being born again.

We believe that the whole of a man is composed of Body, Soul & Spirit (1 Thes. 5:23).

We believe in the birth of Jesus; His death; His resurrection; His ascension & His second coming.

Mission Statement

"Ang Tipas Unida Church na binuo sa pag-ibig ng Dios ay Iglesiang matatag, nagkakaisa sa pananampalataya, huwaran at ilaw sa pamayanan, at lumalakad sa gabay ng Espiritu Santo, na ang layunin ay humayo at ipalaganap ang Banal na Salita ng Dios"

Meet the Team

Pastors and Predicadors

  • Rev. Fermin S. Lantan
    Rev. Fermin S. Lantan
    Rev. Fermin “ Er” S. Lantan is an adopted son of Tipas Unida Church (TUC), having married Nyrsa Ordonez, the daughter of the late Nick and Nelly Ordonez, both stalwarts (Elders) of TUC. Rev. Er accepted the call to be a Pastor of TUC when Rev. Levi Mariano, then Pastor, suddenly passed away in 1997. He was ordained Pastor of TUC in 1998 and is currently its Administrative Pastor. He is LEADING, OVERSEEING, and SHEPHERDING his flock in Tipas and seeing to their spiritual growth. He is a retired employee of Manila Electric Company where he worked for 43 years (1974 to 2017). He has been blessed with two (2) children, Erysse Lei and Erynn and two (2) grandchildren namely: Kayla and Mateo. He completed a degree in Accountancy at Rizal Technological Colleges. They currently reside in Ligid Tipas, Taguig, City.
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  • Rev. Gamaliel B. Filio
    Rev. Gamaliel “Galying” B. Filio was called to be a Pastor at an early age of 19 when he entered college in UP taking up Political Science. He was ordained a Pastor of Iglesia Evangelica Unida de Cristo (IEUDC) in 1972 and was assigned to its different local churches in Cavite and in Metro Manila including Tipas Unida Church (TUC). He became a member of the governing body of IEUDC in different capacities (as General Treasurer for two (2) terms and as General Evangelist for two (2) terms ) during a period of twelve (12) years from 1995 to 2007. He is currently the Consulting Pastor of TUC, whose main role is to see to it that the Unida Doctrine of Faith is well understood by its members and that all are living by its teachings. Rev. Galying with his wife, formed the Galying and Lucy Tandem Ministry who used their knowledge of God’s Words, guided by the Holy Spirit, in providing the weekly lessons/curriculum for TUC’s weekly Bible Study and Sunday School. They are blessed with five (5) children namely: Grace, Lady, Jojo, Ben , and Lance and eight(8) grandchildren namely: JC, Isabelle, Isaiah, Cayler, Charmaine, Eli, Amos and Nate. They reside in Baclaran, Paranaque ,Metro Manila.
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  • Pred. Jun O. Pasisihan
    Pred. Jun O. Pagsisihan is the only son of the late Sotero and Anita Pagsisihan( Predicador and an active Women’s Organization officer of Tipas Unida Church (TUC). He was a former National Youth official, guiding the younger members Iglesia Evangelica Unida de Cristo (IEUDC) as they study the Word of God and prepare themselves for leadership positions in the Youth Organization, when their time came. Pred. Jun continued to be an active member of the church having held different positions in the Youth and Men’s Organizations in TUC. He accepted the call to be a Predicador in TUC in 1998. From that time on, up to the present, he has been assisting the Administrative Pastor in seeing to the spiritual growth of all the members of the Church. He is currently a government employee at LTFRB, and married to Doris ( daughter of deceased members, Trining and Juaning Rayos del Sol – Elder of TUC) and blessed with two(2) beautiful daughters: Christianne and Micah . He graduated with a degree in AB Economics at UST. They reside in Makati City.

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  • Pred. Gamaliel Kuya Jojo M. Filio Jr
    Pred. Gamaliel “Kuya Jojo” M. Filio, Jr. is the eldest son of Consulting Pastor Galying and Lucy Filio (Church Elder). Prior to his ordination as Predicador, he was an active member of Tipas Unida Church (TUC) having held the positions of Youth President for two (2) terms, and Men’s Organization President for one (1) term. He is a Sunday School Institute and Lay Leaders Training graduate of Iglesia Evangelica Unida de Cristo (IEUDC). Pred. Jojo accepted the call of the ministry in TUC last June 2017 and was ordained as Predicador by IEUDC on May 14, 2022. He will be assisting the Administrative Pastor in seeing to the spiritual growth of every church member and assisting in other church ministries. He is a real estate agent for 20 years , a business owner, married to Cynthia Cantos ( Deaconess of TUC) and have been blessed with two(2) amazing children namely: Isabelle and Isaiah. He graduated with a degree In Commerce Major in Business Administration in UST. They live in Binan, Laguna City.
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Council Members

Tagapaglingkod ng Panginoon
Bro. Ed Bay
Bro. Jhun Cayabyab
Bro. Joie Talampas
Sis. Cora Ocol
Sis. Grace Cayabyab
Bro. Nep Ordonez
Sis. Lucy Filio
Sis. Pearl Catahan
Sis. Cynthia Filio
Sis. Annie Dimaguila
Bro. Jordan Balida
Sis. Irene Talampas
Sis. Chona Pagkalinawan
Committee Heads
Multipurpose Building: Bro. Joie Talampas
Evangelism: Pred. Jojo Filio
M310: Bro. Nep Ordonez
Worship Committee: Bro. Nep Ordonez
Social Concerns: Bro. Oscar Rayos del Sol
Church Construction: Bro. Jhun Cayabyab
Sportsfest: Bro. Nuriel Ordonez
LEK & Music Ministry: Sis. Lady Filio
LPM: Sis. Nyrsa Lantan
Himlayang Unida: Sis. Lorna Rayos del Sol
Finance Committee: Sis. Pearl Catahan
Praise and Worship: Bro. Gboy Ocol
Health Team: Bro. Geral Demaguila
Church Administrator: Sis. Chalice Emocino
Council Officers
Secretary: Sis. Isabelle Filio
Treasurer: Sis. Doris Pagsisihan
Auditor: Sis. Andeliza Ordonez
PRO: Bro. Miko Magbalana

Kapisanan Officers

President: Bro. Ben Filio
Vice President: Bro. Sito Banna
Secretary: Bro. Gerald Dimaguila
Treasurer: Bro. Joshua Talampas
Auditor: Bro. Eugine Balida
PRO: Bro. Jeff Fajardo
President: Sis. Gigi Ordonez
Vice President: Sis. Liezel Filio
Secretary: Sis. Joeraine Ocol
Treasurer: Sis. Lorna Balona
Assistant Treasurer: Sis. Thelma Mercene
Auditor: Sis. Jenny Ocol
PRO: Sis. Fe Fajardo
President: Sis. Wendy Encabo
Vice President: Sis. Ayah Marzol
Secretary: Sis. Khaye Blaza
Treasurer: Bro. Nuriel Ordonez
Auditor: Sis. Karizza Sta. Ana
PRO: Bro. JR Dimaguila
Sunday School
Superintendent: Sis. Noemi Bayle
Vice President: Sis. Georgia Odencio
Secretary: Sis. Seth Banna
Treasurer: Sis. Jacky Ordonez
Auditor: Sis. Kim Moral
PRO: Sis. Analiza Baraquiel
President: Sis. Yvette Balida
Vice President: Bro. DJ Ordonez
Secretary: Bro. Billy Balona
Treasure/Auditor: Sis. Juana Manosca
PRO: Sis. Virgie Sabit
Praise and Worship
President: Bro. Gboy Ocol
Vice President: Sis. Angelica Baraquiel
Secretary: Bro. Billy Balona
Treasure/Auditor: Bro. JR Dimaguila
PRO: Sis. Lysa Balona

Our History

The seed of faith in the Lord was planted in the then Barrio of Tipas, town of Taguig, province of Rizal, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit of three (3) men whose job was to prepare the nipa (palm leaves) for use for the roofing of huts (the houses of the common Filipinos in the early 1900s. They heard the Good News of Salvation through Jesus Christ from Predicador Florendo Jimenez of Iglesia Presbiteriana. The three (3) men were Bonifacio Jimenez, Pedro and Servillano Castro and together with Pred. Jimenez started the mission in Tipas.
In 1910, Rev. Gil Domingo with his team continued on with spreading the Good News of Salvation, resulting in the establishment of the first church under Iglesia Evangelica delos Cristianos Filipinos. The first members of the Church were the following:
1. Leocadio and Margarita Mariano
2. Baltazar and Anastacia Ordonez
3. Vicente and Marcela Mendiola
4. Jose and Juana Tanyag
5. Isidro and Leocadia Gatchalian
6. Manuel and Lucia Flordeliza; and
7. Leona Flores
In the early days of the Church, the worship services and activities were initially held in it’s members’ homes. But when the membership grew, a small church. made of bamboo and nipa (palm leaves) was built on a lot owned by one of the members, Fortunato Mendiola in Bagong Kalsada, Tipas.

In 1915, the Church affiliated with Iglesia Trinitarya, headed by Bishop Moises Buzon, together with Rev. Mateo Victorino, Rev. Paulino Enriquez and Rev. Adriatico.

In 1932, through the leadership of the successful Filipino industrialist, Brother Toribio Teodoro, proprietor of the Ang Tibay Shoe Factory, six (6) evangelical churches: namely: Iglesia Evangelica De Los Cristianos Filipinos, Iglesia Evangelica Methodista Reformada, Iglesia Nacional Filipina, Iglesia De Dios, Iglesia Evangelica De Atlag, and Iglesia Cristiana Trinitaria (with whom Tipas was affiliated with) merged as one to form what is now known as Iglesia Evangelica Unida de Cristo (IEUDC) under which Tipas Unida Church is now a part of. IEUDC is governed by a Board (Direktoryo) whose members are elected every three (3) years under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and is headed by a General Superintendent.

What We Do


Note: Tap or click the ministry's name to view the content.
The basic purpose of Sunday School is Christian education. Members of all ages learn about God, the Bible, and God’s will for each person’s life. The bible is the Christian’s “handbook to life.” Sunday school teaches/shares the Word of God according to age level. The content/curriculum is prepared to be better understood and applied in everyday life in accordance with the situation, intellectual and spiritual level of an individual.
Music is a powerful tool for teaching. The purpose of the music ministry is to exhort, uplift and encourage the body of Christ through song and worship. It encompasses the Praise and Worship Team, the Adult Choir and the Children’s Choir. Through our voices and music, we seek to encourage others to participate in worship singing. The Choir is to be an example and a visual reminder to the congregation of how we are to worship the Lord with joy in our hearts. It seeks to communicate reverence, celebration and joy to everyone. The music ministry aims to teach lessons not only on the art and discipline of music but more importantly the genuine way of worshipping God.
The Women’s Organization is composed of married women and single women ages 29 and above. It aims at meeting the spiritual needs of Christian women and helping them grow in their faith in Jesus Christ. Like most forms of ministry, the Women’s ministry is Christ-centered. It’s all about helping women to come to Christ and grow in Christ. It’s about encouraging women to understand the gospel, respond to it and apply it to every aspect of their lives. The key to women’s ministry is looking at the needs of women in the local church and the local community and applying strategic actions on how best to meet those needs.
The Youth Organization is open to all young individuals ages 13 to 28. Its mission is to involve and engage with young people who attend their places of worship and who live in their community. It is important for the truth of the Gospel to pass down from generation to generation in order to grow the body of Christ. Ultimately, helping the youth to grow spiritually in their formative years will equip them to make an impact for Christ both now and in their future. With fresh hearts and minds, these youth are passionate in seeking the Lord and developing a relationship with Him through various Christlike character building and fun activities. The youth believes that being young is not a hindrance to knowing and serving the Lord. As stated in Ecclesiastes 12:1a, “ Remember your Creator in the days of your youth….” They want to grow a relationship with the Almighty God as early as possible.
Guided by 1Timothy 6:11 , the Men’s Ministry aims to develop its membership as Men of God who pursues righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, and gentleness. The TUC man will continually endeavor to lead his family to Christ in response to the duty given to him as head of the family with the end in view of developing a strong Church submitted to Christ’s authority.
The evangelism ministry has at its core the Great Commission (Matthew 26:16-20) , sharing the good news of salvation, forgiveness and grace. Without these, we would all be lost without hope, without a savior and would have to endure the consequence of sin --- death. Everywhere we turn, we see the effects of a fallen world and many who live without hope. Our evangelism ministry aims at sharing this hope with them. As Christians, we have all been instructed to do so.

We can develop this confidence and passion to share our faith as we go about living the gospel in our daily lives, we can inspire others to do the same. We endeavor to change the world with the good news of the gospel of Christ when we are faithful to share with others.
Prayer is a very important aspect of Christian life. Prayer is the Church saying to God, “we want to know Your will.” Prayer is the Church knowing God’s heart and pleading to ask for what is in God’s heart. The purpose of the prayer ministry is to facilitate the move of the Holy Spirit, to release God’s love and power toward those who desire for prayer and to bless, strengthen, encourage and comfort. The amount of power that the Church has expresses the amount of power that God has because His power is expressed through the Church.
The objective of Christian education is to teach man about life, the world and his purpose in it. It seeks to teach about the world God created, how man’s faith is woven into each area of learning and how to find purpose and meaning through God’s will in his life. He believes that only through an understanding of God, His Word and His works, can he know the truth and show His love to those around us.
The Christian Education Ministry is one of the primary ministries of our Church. It involves the administration and coordination of programs to facilitate the spiritual growth or discipleship of believers into Christ-likeness.
Our ministry works closely with our pastors and other ministry leaders to glorify God through the gifts, talents, and resources of its disciples, and to develop and enhance the disciples' spiritual growth and maturity in Christ.

Ways to Give

The spiritually engaging activities and projects of our church get it’s funding from the TITHES of our faithful members. The tithing principle is based on good stewardship, which pertains to the ability to properly manage everything God has entrusted to us, including financial matters. Tithing is a divine principle ordained by God, and is a spiritual system of proportional giving. The tithe refers to “one tenth” or “10%” of ones income, which must be surrendered to the church. This is based on Malachi 3:10 which says “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this”, says the Lord, Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” 

Although tithing is the main source of financial support of our church, a significant augmentation comes from loose offerings, love gifts, donations, contributions and pledges from both members and supporters who believe in our causes and are summoned by the Holy Spirit to help this church in its spiritual growth and development.
Ways To Give M310 Logo

Giving the tithes and offerings may be coursed thru the “Malachi 3:10 Club”, the special committee that guides our members how to faithfully adhere to regular tithing and records the tithes for proper documentation while respecting privacy.

The tithes and offerings can be dropped directly in the offering basket during Sunday Worship Service, or may be deposited thru BPI Savings Account No. 0203-790-65, under account name Tipas Unida Church.

Be an integral part in the success of the church ministries! Indeed, God loves a cheerful giver!
Unida Church Logo
Iglesia Evangelica Unida De Cristo
Welcome to the Church that cares!
We are a local congregation in Tipas, Taguig City under the “Iglesia Evangelica Unida de Cristo.” The seed of faith started by the three men who heard and believed the gospel of salvation has now grown into about 200 active men, women and children members celebrating God’s love for the past 90 years. All praises and honor be unto our God alone!
Tipas Unida Church © 2025, All Rights Reserved.
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